Graphiс design
Marketing support
The UK
Graphit design
About this case
One interesting task was the development of QR spots, which are marketing materials that help users and organizations understand the scale of the tipping service and which areas they are suitable for. We have prepared QR spots for hotels, deliveries and transport services.
What we made
Design layout development/
Layout making-up/
These are promotional media with a link to a tip payment page

You don't need a dedicated app to scan a QR code. Most smartphones, be they iOS
or Android can scan them automatically. But there's still another technical element you
absolutely need: the internet connection.

No internet means users cannot be redirected to the address you've set up.
If your restaurant has no 4G coverage, it might be a good idea to offer your customers
free WiFi. It's also a nice gesture for international tourists with no data roaming!
What are QR spots?
Because QR spots can be placed on printed materials, uniforms, advertising media, the possibility of receiving a tip increases.

This way, the business gets a higher percentage of profit, and their customers don't have to spend a lot of time and effort to thank their staff.
How do QR spots help businesses?